I'm older and have more disposable income but I don't have THAT much disposable income. And even once GPUs hit MSRP again, driving 4K means more money. 4K at anything higher than 60Hz starts around $900-$1000. 32" 1440p curved monitors with Freesync and 144Hz+ are affordable $350-ish. I've also never spent the extra for high refresh rates. But 9" display height is starting to show its drawbacks. Oddly enough, Wolfenstein 3D seems like the most immersive games in Ultrawide.

That makes pixel perfect emulation quite small (like 15" CRT size monitor small)but with source ports and third party engines, games like Quake, the DOS DOOMs, Wolfenstein 3D at 2560x1080 look amazing. My only regret is that it is not curved and although it is a 29" UW, vertically, it is 9" and no bigger that the 23" 1920x1080. It was the most expensive monitor I have bought at $350. It has Freesync and I've used it with an RX 480 and currently an RX 580. For the last 6 years I've been using a 29" ultrawide 2560x1080. My wife uses it now, had it for 10 years. Eventually had to replace the capacitors which gave me a few more years. First was a Viewsonic 1440x900 when LCDs were starting to get cheaper. Therr monitors over the last, roughly 20 years. Really, when it comes to monitors, I have bought brand new, three. Science for the picky, or better yet, for the anal).
Change dosbox resolution driver#
Please forgive my ignorance, but I've always used to let the graphics driver do the scaling work. How about DOSBox or SDL ? Are they even capable to smoothly move around such a mass of pixel information ? I've never knew that video game resolutions can be such a science! 😅